Monday, June 9, 2014

Painthammer: Painting Wood

I'm sure there's a bad excuse for a schlong joke in there somewhere...Anyway, there's a million ways to paint wood effects but not so many tutorials out there on the interwebs. So here goes...

When painting wood, it's good to start out with something that already has somewhat of a grain to it. This little bridge below was made with popsicle sticks and some thin balsa wood that I bought at the Hobby Bunker in Malden.

 First, I slathered the whole thing in Abaddon Black.

 Next, I hit this bad boy with a super heavy dry/moist brush of Dark Angels Green. It's important to stay with the grain when doing this.

 The next dry brush was with Steel Legion Drab. Still pretty heavy.

 After the SLD I dry brushed with Commando Khaki and let the paint get pretty gooey before putting it down.
 The coup de grace was done with some white, just hitting the edges and the planks. At this point there is almost zero paint on the brush.

And voila, here we are on Mark's display board. Definitely in better context with the terrain than with shitty iPhone pictures under bad light.

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